Last Updated On: 12/11/2023

Portfolio Information

Date of Public Offering: 16/03/2018
Since 21/08/2023 :
NAV or (Fund Overall Value): 0,00
Unit Price: 6.902409
Lowest Quantity for Purchase: 1
Buy/Sell Time (Trade Time): 13:30

Information of Directors and Investment

Trade Name

Strateji Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş

Fund Council Members

Ayşe Şebnem Türkay
Burak İhsan Çetinçeker
Murat Ağcı

Fund Manager

Hülya Ünlü

Founders Mutual Structure

Name Surname / Trade Name Participation Fee (TL) Percentage (%)
Strateji Holding A.Ş 22.500.000,00 75
Strateji Menkul Değerler A.Ş 7.500.000,00 25
Total 30.000.000,00 100

Trade Places (Buy/Sell Places)

Strateji Menkul Değerler A.Ş

This fund can only be sold to customers with qualified investor status.